Monday, September 14, 2009

My Birthday!

September 3rd was my birthday. This year, my sisters and Dave bought me a plane ticket to Utah so I could be there for my niece's bridal shower on the 5th. (side note: Allison is getting married on Oct. 10th!) My nieces didn't know I was coming. Vicky picked me up at the airport, took me to dinner, and then dropped me off at her house. She went in through the garage and I went to the front door and rang the bell. Hayley answered the door and just looked at me a second and then yelled, "Juuuuuuuuulllllllllllllllllllllliiiieeeeeeeeeeee!" Holly came running in and gave me a big hug. We all went down stairs to find Allison and Janelle where I was met with more hugs. It was so fun! Nancy and Vicky bought me a cake from Mrs. Backer's bakery in SLC - yummy! It was definitely one of the best birthday gifts ever....3 1/2 days in Utah with my sisters & nieces and NO dirty diapers!

Top row: Janelle, Allison, Vicky, Holly. Bottom row: Hayley, Julie, Nancy. Behind the camera: Todd.


Cheryl said...

How much fun that sounds! That is a cute pic!

rachel said...

Happy Birthday Julie! I'm glad you had a great weekend with your family!

Dustin, Darci, Britton, Benjamin, & Caden said...

Fun! Happy Birthday Julie!

Jessica said...

Happy Birthday!!! It looks like you had a blast.

Our Little Corner said...

Mrs Backers is a real treat. I love surprises when I am the one doing the surprising. Looks like you had a very fun b-day!

Jennifer Randolph said...

What a great way to celebrate your birthday! The cake looks too beautiful to eat!